Cultural awareness training

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Cultivating inclusivity through our cultural capability training

Our cultural awareness and capability training focuses on building organisational capacity to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse individuals and communities.   

An introduction to the conversation about how we can create welcome, connection and belonging in our society in meaningful ways, Cultural Capability Training with Multicultural Australia is conducted by a facilitator with a depth of knowledge and skills, and a team member with lived experience as a migrant or resettled refugee.   

Multicultural Australia staff engage in cultural competency training as part of our staff induction process. Apart from being a professional development opportunity for team members, the training creates a space for staff to learn about the lived experiences of their colleagues and broaden their worldview.  

Our range of cultural training options is detailed below, we can also tailor programs to your organisation’s unique needs:

  • An Introduction to Cultural Capability
  • Cultural Capability in Practice
  • Culture and Ethnicity Specific Training
  • Cultural Training for Workplaces – Recruit, Retain, Empower
  • Working with Linguistically Diverse Staff and Communities
  • Working with Refugees
  • Tailored Training Programs
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Building cultural awareness and competence for organisational growth

Organisations that have engaged with our cultural awareness training come from all areas within corporate, government and educational sectors – in Queensland and across Australia – contributing towards a more inclusive, diverse, and welcoming corporate Australia. 

Our fee-for-service workshops have been developed to meet the unique needs of the organisations we engage with. Delivered in collaboration with each client, the workshops explore issues such as the case for diversity, tools to build cultural competence and strategies to create inclusion and equity in service provision and interactions with multicultural staff. 

We are proud of the relationships we’ve established and the influence we’ve had on the organisations that engage us for tailored training sessions. By participating in our cultural awareness training, your organisation will increase its cultural competence and pave the way for creating welcome and becoming a more inclusive workplace. 

Contact us to start your journey.

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We who have come from many places acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land which always was and always will be Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island land. We pay our respects to their Elders throughout all time. We walk together in solidarity of the shared pain of the past and the shared hope for the future.

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